Retired agent William “Bill” Plunkett served in the FBI for 27 years. During his FBI career, he was assigned to the joint Counterintelligence operations with the Central Intelligence Agency and...Continue reading
Episode 149: Bob Herndon – The Informant, Price Fixing Case, Book, Movie (Part 2)
Retired agent Robert Herndon served in the FBI for 28 years. Before joining the Bureau, he was employed as a CPA. In this episode of FBI Retired Case File Review,...Continue reading
Episode 148: Bob Herndon – The Informant, Price Fixing Case, Book, Movie (Part 1)
Retired agent Robert Herndon served in the FBI for 28 years. Before joining the Bureau, he was employed as a CPA. In this episode of FBI Retired Case File Review,...Continue reading
Episode 147: Judy Tyler and Jack Saltarelli – Meth Lab Fugitive
Retired agent Judy Tyler served 31 years with the FBI. In this episode of FBI Retired Case File Review, Judy Tyler reviews her hunt for fugitive Jack Saltarelli, fleeing a...Continue reading
Episode 146: Eugene Casey – Operation Utah Powder, Drug Cartel Money Laundering
Retired agent Eugene Casey served 21 years with the FBI. As a special agent, he used skills gained from his prior employment as a compliance officer on Wall Street to...Continue reading
Episode 145: Bill Vanderpool – Guns of the FBI, Firearms Training
Retired agent Bill Vanderpool served in the FBI for twenty years. He was initially assigned to the Dallas Division and to the Washington Field Office where he was a sniper...Continue reading
Episode 144: Dennis Lormel – Terrorist Financing, Money Laundering
Retired agent Dennis Lormel served in the FBI for 28 years. During his career, he gained extensive major case experience as a street agent, supervisor and senior executive, particularly in...Continue reading