Retired agent Scott Duffey served in the FBI for 22 years. For the majority of his career, he was assigned to the Wilmington Resident Agency out of the Baltimore Division...Continue reading
Episode 156: Lauren Anderson – Casablanca Bombings, Paris LEGAT
In this episode, Lauren Anderson reviews the assistance the FBI provided to the Moroccan government directly after the 2003 Casablanca bombings, which resulted in 41 fatalities at five different sites....
Episode 155: Peter Welsh – Abducted in Plain Sight, Jan Broberg Kidnapping
In this episode of FBI Retired Case File Review, Pete Welsh reviews his 1974 investigation of the kidnapping of 12-year-old Jan Broberg who was abducted by Bob Berchtold, a trusted...Continue reading
Episode 154: Ali Soufan – USS Cole Bombing, The Black Banners
Former agent Ali Soufan reviews the events surrounding 9/11 and his investigation of the attack on the USS Cole, where suicide terrorists exploded a small boat alongside the Navy Destroyer—as...Continue reading
Episode 153: Q & A – With Special Agent FBI Recruiter
Special Agent Cerena Coughlin, an FBI recruiter for the Philadelphia Division, provides answers to questions about the FBI sent in by FBI Retired Case File Review listeners interested in applying...Continue reading
Episode 152: Bob Clifford – Mormon Missionary Murders, Terrorism in Latin American
Retired agent Robert “Bob” Clifford served with the FBI for 24 years. He rose from Special Agent to Senior Executive with responsibilities in international terrorism and transnational criminal gangs matters....Continue reading
Episode 151: Debra LaPrevotte – Kleptocracy, International Corruption, and Recovering Human Remains
Retired agent Debra LaPrevotte served in the FBI for 20 years. She spent most of her career working forfeiture matters and international corruption investigations. In this episode, Debra LaPrevotte reviews...Continue reading