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Retired agent and former FBI profiler Dr. Mary Ellen O’Toole, Ph.D., served in the FBI for nearly 28 years. For more than half of that time, she worked in the Bureau’s prestigious Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) where she consulted on many of the FBI’s highest profile and most complex cases, including homicides, kidnappings, sexual assaults, predatory behavior, child molestation and other crimes of violence. In this episode of FBI Retired Case File Review, Mary Ellen O’Toole, who is recognized as the FBI’s leading expert in “psychopathy,” discusses serial killers and reviews the case of the Green River Killer Gary Ridgway, who was convicted of killing 49 women. Post retirement, Dr. O’Toole is an internationally recognized Forensic Behavioral Consultant and Lecturer. She makes frequent media appearances on major TV news programs and radio affiliates and has been interviewed in prominent newspapers and publications around the country. In 2015, Mary Ellen O’Toole was appointed as the Director of the Forensic Science Program at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. Her book Dangerous Instincts: How Gut Feelings Betray Us introduces the right way to assess people for everyday situations in our personal and professional lives, and how to make safer decisions about them and the situations they create for us. You can learn more about Dr. Mary Ellen O’Toole by visiting her website
Supervisory Special Agent (Retired)
Mary Ellen O’Toole
4/ 5/1981 – 1/7/2009
Serial Murder and Serial Killers
The FBI website features an eight part series on serial murder and profiles several well-known serial killers:
Serial Killers – Part 1: The FBI’s Role Takes Shape
Mary Ellen O’Toole’s website features a fascinating blog post titled Top 10 Reasons Not to Go With Your Gut. It should be a “must read” for those who go with their gut when making decisions.

Absolutely fascinating! And somewhat life-changing. Take home message for me: (without becoming overly suspicious) it is prudent to be cautious with those new in your life.
I have always told people that I am hopeless at figuring out what someone is like at first meeting. Happy to know that’s normal, and advisable.
I had always believed that our gut feelings would warn us and help keep us safe. Now I understand that’s not necessarily true. I agree with you, listening to the interview with Mary Ellen could prove to be life-changing. Thanks for listening!