Episode 006: Jim Wedick – Chasing Phil, Undercover Stings and Bogus Securities

Retired Supervisory Special Agent Jim Wedick served in the FBI for nearly 35 years.

In this episode of FBI Retired Case File Review, Jim reviews his assignment as an undercover agent in the Bureau’s very first long-term undercover investigation, Major Case 1, was captioned OPFOPEN – short for Operation Fountain Pen.

The investigation marked a significant shift in FBI priorities and the first time the Bureau operated a sophisticated attack on organized crime networks, financial criminals and con-men using White-Collar Crime violations to prosecute off shore criminal enterprises.

Operation Fountain Pen and Jim Wedick are the subjects of a new book by David HowardChasing Phil: The Adventures of Two Undercover Agents with the World’s Most Charming Con Man.

Jim mentions several other notable cases, including bribery case, – dubbed by the California media as “Shrimp Scam” – for which he received the Director’s Award in 1994 and a large Health Care Fraud case he supervised. We acknowledge his wife, retired special agent Nancy Wedick, who teamed up with him on several successful cases.

Jim Wedick operates FBIRetired.com – the only on-line directory made available to the general public featuring “retired” FBI AGENTS / ANALYSTS interested in showcasing their skills to secure business opportunities.

Supervisory Special Agent (Retired)


12/1969 – 04/2005

James J Wedick








Wedick And Partner  John Brennan Participated In The Bureau’s First Major Undercover Case – Operation Fountain Pen

Newspaper articles about Operation Fountain Pen:

King of Scam Royally Conned Pigeons Until FBI Caged Him

Con Man Gets Stung at His Own Game_

Listen to Episode 052: Myron Fuller – The Original ABSCAM, Con Men and Mob Guys to learn more about Operation Fountain Pen.

Wedick Brennan.Frankfurt.1977
Jim Wedick and Jack Brennan while undercover in Frankfurt, Germany in 1977.









Jim in Los Angeles in 1978 or 1979 with Swiss and Federal Authorities, including LA Division ADIC and Agents Brennan and Hanlon.











Operation Fountain Pen and Jim Wedick are the subjects of a new book, Chasing Phil, by David Howard. It can be purchased here.
_3.Wedick.Hannity.Boston Bombing.2013.04.13.
Screen shot of Jim on the Sean Hannity Show on FOX News Channel providing expert commentary regarding the Boston bombing.








Jim with his wife (and retired agent ) Nancy Wedick as he accepts the Director’s Award in 1994 from former FBI Director Louie Freeh for the BRISPEC investigation.










Jim receiving his official FBI credentials from Assistant Director Jenkins upon graduating from the FBI Academy in 1973.






1986 image from surveillance video of “ShrimpScam” undercover agent (UCA) and a cooperating witness making a $10K payment to a California Legislative Aide.











Jerri Williams

View posts by Jerri Williams
Jerri Williams, a retired FBI agent, author and podcaster, jokes that she writes about the FBI to relive her glory days. After 26 years with the Bureau specializing in major economic fraud and corruption investigations, she calls on her professional encounters with scams and schemers to write police procedurals inspired by true crime FBI cases in her Philadelphia FBI Corruption Squad crime fiction series. Jerri’s FBI for Armchair Detectives nonfiction series enables readers to discover who the FBI is and what the FBI does by debunking misconceptions about the FBI in books, TV, and movies. Her books are available as ebooks, paperbacks, and audiobooks wherever books are sold. She’s the host of FBI Retired Case File Review, a true crime podcast with more than 300 episodes available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, and all popular podcast apps, as well as YouTube.


  1. carcan pascalFebruary 27, 2018

    A big Mr, this Mr Wedick.

    1. Jerri WilliamsFebruary 28, 2018

      Yes, indeed. Jim Wedick worked many exciting corruption cases during his career.


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