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Retired agent Tony Robleto served in the FBI for 25 years. He spent most of his stateside Bureau career in California with assignments in the San Francisco, San Diego Division, and the Los Angeles Divisions. He also spent significant time working for the FBI in Mexico as an Assistant Legal Attaché (ALAT) in Mexico City where he was responsible for criminal and as a Border Liaison Officer (BLO) during his time in San Diego. In this episode of FBI Retired Case File Review, Tony Robleto reviews three of the numerous murder cases and fugitive apprehensions and extraditions he was involved in during his various assignments with the FBI in Mexico, including the capture of a man who raped and killed a woman in New Orleans and fled to Mexico, a man who threatened a U.S. Congresswoman and fled to Mexico, and an American man who stabbed his American boyfriend 24 times while they vacationed in Mexico and then fled back to the U.S. During his Mexico assignments, Tony Robleto, who is a native Spanish speaker, conducted investigative leads with the assistance of local Mexican law enforcement partners, arranged case coordination meetings between US and Mexican prosecutors, conducted pre-trial interviews, and legalized evidence for use in US federal court. His efforts contributed significantly to the capture and extradition of the main subjects involved in a U.S. Consulate murder investigation. This investigation was the recipient of the 2011 Legat Office Investigative Excellence Award. Tony Robleto retired from the Bureau last year and currently resides in San Diego, California.
Special Agent (Retired)
Tony Robleto
7/14/1991 – 1/31/2017
The following are links to an FBI website story about the Mexico Legal Attaché Office and newspaper articles about some of the case Tony Robleto worked for the FBI in Mexico including the conviction of the man convicted of vehicle homicide and rape, the Rep. Tulsi Gabbard fugitive investigations, and newspaper articles and a press release on the David Meza murder investigation: – 12/4/2015: FBI Celebrates 75th Anniversary of Legal Attaché in Mexico City
The Times-Picayune – 2/9/2012: Lafreniere Park killer Cerda-Anima sentenced to life in prison
CNN – 8/29/2013: Man charged in threats to Rep. Tulsi Gabbard
LA Times – 8/29/2013: Man arrested in Tijuana allegedly threatened Hawaii congresswoman
People Crime – 12/11/2017: Man Gets Life for ‘Near Decapitation’ of Wealthy Lover — Which He Covered Up with Girlfriend
NY Daily News – 12/12/2017: Man sentenced to life in prison for murdering wealthy boyfriend over inheritance
USAO SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA – 5/2/2017: Federal Jury Convicts Imperial Beach Man in Fatal Stabbing of his Texas Boyfriend