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Retired agent Judy Tyler served 31 years with the FBI. In this episode of FBI Retired Case File Review, Judy reviews her investigation of the Maurice Lewis, aka “Mo Black,” 8th and Allegheny cocaine criminal enterprise and the surprising spin-off case involving the theft of Philadelphia’s historically significant architectural treasures that resulted in the conviction of Charles Kass, a former IRS and Labor Department agent. Judy has extensive experience in the investigation of violent drug trafficking organizations and advanced investigative techniques. She specialized in the recruitment, development, and operation of human intelligence, also known as informants, and cooperating witnesses. During her career, she received awards from the Mid-Atlantic Region of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) and from the United States Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Post-retirement, Judy continues to share her experience and expertise as a contract instructor training current FBI agents as part of a specialized in-service program. (In Episode 3 of FBI Retired Case File Review, Judy was interviewed about two other drug investigations and her FBI career.)
Special Agent (Retired)
Judith Tyler
12/10/1979 – 7/31/2010
The following are links to newspaper articles about the convictions of Maurice Lewis, and former IRS and Department of Labor federal agent Charles Kass:
Philadelphia Daily News – 7/17/2003: Future’s grim for neighborhood ‘destroyer’
Philadelphia Inquirer – 7/18/2003: North Phila. drug boss gets life term
Philadelphia Inquirer – 11/15/2000: Labor official admits role in thefts of relics
Philadelphia Inquirer – 7/24/2005: Poaching the city’s building treasures

[…] 102: Judy Tyler – Maurice Lewis Cocaine Crew, Architectural Theft […]
[…] Episode 102: Judy Tyler – Maurice Lewis Cocaine Crew, Architectural Theft […]
Really enjoyed this podcast about drugs and stealing of antiques church gate , by retired FBI agent Judy Tyler . This was interesting case to say the least , I continue to enjoy your retired agent case files , great work