Episode 076: Jerry Clark – Female Serial Killers, Majorie Diehl-Armstong

Retired agent Dr. Jerry Clark, Ph.D., served a total of 21 years in federal law enforcement. He was an NCIS agent and a DEA agent, prior to becoming a special agent with FBI. Jerry Clark was previously interviewed on Episode 13 of FBI Retired Case File Review about one of the most bizarre bank robbery schemes in the history of the FBI, known officially as COLLARBOMB. In this episode, Jerry Clark reviews the criminal case and trial of Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong, the mastermind behind the Collarbomb pizza delivery case and the activity of other female serial killers. Jerry Clark has a Ph.D. in in Criminology and he is currently an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at Gannon University in Erie, Pennsylvania. He and his co-author Ed Palattella have written their third true crime book Mania and Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong: Inside the Mind of a Female Serial Killer to be released on September 12, 2017. You can learn more about Dr. Jerry Clark and his other true crime books by visiting the Pizza Bomber website.

Special Agent (Retired)

Jerry Clark

01/1990 – 06/30/2011










The following are links to newspaper articles about female serial killer Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong and to the FBI series on serial murder and serial killers:

Erie’s Diehl-Armstrong recalled as unique and deadly criminal

Ed Palattella: Pizza bomber case featured crime, woman like no other

The FBI website features an eight part series on serial murder and profiles several well-known serial killers:

Jerry Clark in the mug room processing female serial killer Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong.








Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong is best known for her role as an accomplice in the 2003 bank robbery in Erie, Pa., that led to the death of Brian Wells, a pizza deliveryman, but she had killed before and was among a rare group of female serial killers.








Dr. Jerry Clark’s book on female serial killers can be pre-ordered here.














Jerri Williams

View posts by Jerri Williams
Jerri Williams, a retired FBI agent, author and podcaster, jokes that she writes about the FBI to relive her glory days. After 26 years with the Bureau specializing in major economic fraud and corruption investigations, she calls on her professional encounters with scams and schemers to write police procedurals inspired by true crime FBI cases in her Philadelphia FBI Corruption Squad crime fiction series. Jerri’s FBI for Armchair Detectives nonfiction series enables readers to discover who the FBI is and what the FBI does by debunking misconceptions about the FBI in books, TV, and movies. Her books are available as ebooks, paperbacks, and audiobooks wherever books are sold. She’s the host of FBI Retired Case File Review, a true crime podcast with more than 300 episodes available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, and all popular podcast apps, as well as YouTube.


  1. Wally barnetteMay 22, 2018


    1. Jerri WilliamsMay 24, 2018

      I can’t believe she had so many boyfriends!


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