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Retired agent Dana Ridenour served 20 years in the FBI. In this episode of FBI Retired Case File Review, she is interviewed about working drug investigations on the island of St. Croix, Resident Agency out of the FBI’s San Juan Office in Puerto Rico and going deep undercover in California to infiltrate and build relationships with individuals associated with the animal rights extremists groups to gather intelligence about criminal activities and the location of activist fugitives. Dana explains how, in order to be successful, undercover agents accept that their job is to “build relationships to betray relationships.” Dana recently wrote and released a crime novel inspired by her years working undercover. The title of the book is Behind the Mask.
Dana Ridenour
Special Agent (Retired)
11/12/95 – 04/06/2016
Listed below are links to a FBI overview, newspaper articles about animal and eco extremists cases and a post about Dana’s novel:
FBI Testimony – Threat Posed by Animal Rights Extremists and Eco-Terrorists
Retired FBI Agent’s First Novel Shows It Is Not Only Our Enemies Who Betray Us . . .

[…] Episode 028: Dana Ridenour – Undercover, Animal Rights Extremists […]