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Jim Fitzgerald, a former FBI profiler, served twenty years with the FBI. Jim is one of the most respected forensic analysts and linguistics experts in the country. In addition to his many “expert” court appearances, Jim is called upon for his expertise by the entertainment and news industries.
In this episode of FBI Retired Case File Review, he reviews his role in solving the Unabomber case and several other high-profile investigations.
He served as an integral member of the task force of federal agents that finally identified and arrested this serial bomber/serial killer who’s been at it for 17 years now. Jim has also worked as a technical consultant on the TV shows Criminal Minds and Sleepy Hollow and regular appearances on CNN for expert commentary on current events. We also chat about his memoir – A Journey to the Center of the Mind: Book 1.
Supervisory Special Agent (Retired)
James R. Fitzgerald
11/7/1987 – 11/30/2007
Working on the Unabomber case task force
You can connect with Jim Fitzgerald at his website – He is currently a partner with the Academy Group, Inc. the world’s largest privately owned forensic behavioral science firm.
Links to articles about Jim’s work:

FBI history video and review of the Unabomber case.