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Retired agent Dan Reilly served with the FBI for 30 years, six as a photographer and technician in the FBI Laboratory and twenty-four as a Special Agent. During his career, he worked on a wide variety of criminal cases and helped start the FBI’s Safe Streets Task Force Program.
In this episode of FBI Retired Case File Review, Dan Reilly reviews the case of Wayne Silk Perry, a hitman and enforcer for drug gangs operating in the early 1990s in the Washington, D.C. area.
Perry claimed to have been involved in as many as 100 murders, many targeting witnesses who dared to cooperate with law enforcement. In addition to investigating violent drug gangs, Dan Reilly headed the FBI’s Evidence Response Team at the Washington Field Office.
He has provided extensive experience and training to others on crime scene examination.
After his retirement from the FBI, Dan Reilly worked as a private consulting analyst with the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) task force operations in the Mid-Atlantic region.
He has published a textbook on crime scene examination and taught other law enforcement professionals in the U.S. and worldwide. Dan Reilly is currently an adjunct faculty member at George Mason University in the Criminology, Law and Society Department.
Special Agent (Retired)
Dan Reilly
10/2/72 – 10/2/2002
This episode is dedicated to FBI Service Martyrs Martha Dixon Martinez, Michael Miller, and William Christine, Jr., former friends and colleagues of Dan Reilly who also worked gang cases in the Washington Field Office.
The following are links to newspaper articles about the Wayne Silk Perry investigation.
Amercan Gangster – Wayne “Silk” Perry Interview

Great Interview
Jerri could you please seriously look into securing an interview with Joe Walsh or any Special agent in the C-11 Squad who took down Clarence “Preacher” Heatley? He ran a crew of extortionists/killers in NYC similar to Wayne Perry. But there isn’t a lot of info out on him. It would generate a lot of traffic for you.
I’ll do my best. He’s not listed in the retired agents directory, but I’ll check with Dan Reilly and others who might know how to reach him. Thanks for the suggestion! —— Jerri
Thank you very much!
agreed – i also would love to hear you interview someone from C-11 with regards to The Preacher Crew in Harlem. Interestingly, this intersects with your interview with Dan Reilly. Alp Martinez business partner (Rich Porter’s) 12 year old nephew was killed by Preacher Crew, and the murder was initially blamed on Martinez.
But more interestingly, Preacher crew -like Wayne Perry – were known to murder and extort drug dealers. Except they were able to stay under the radar for more than 20 years. It would be a fascinating story, espcially given your EXPERT listening and interviewing skills..
Thank you
I’m looking for other retired agents willing to share their stories about working violent gangs back in the day. I understand it’s not easy to go back in time and recall details from those crazy cases, but I’m hoping to deliver soon. Thanks for listening!
Thank you for this interview…. Ms. Alveta Hopkins was my mother and still till this day i have questions that need answers…
Dear Latoya – I hope that FBI agent Dan Reilly’s sincere commitment to find justice for your mother and the other victims provided some comfort to you. Receiving your message is a reminder to us all of the humanity of the lives we discuss. Bless you and your family. — Jerri Williams
Could these murderers be serial killers who found their perfect job as a hit man?
I’m loving your podcast!
Alpo completely denies being involved in that 12 year old boy’s murder. And the actual killers were convicted and sentenced.
This was amazing interview! Wayne Perry is well known as a legend on the streets and in hip hop. Rappers such as Jay Z have used his name in their rhymes. Would love to hear more interviews from agents that handled drug crews in NY and DC in the 80s.
Thanks for listening! And thank you for the show suggestions. I’m on it!
Hello Ms. Williams. Great Interview, but part of it was False….. I would like to say i donnot condone Wayne Perry Past actions, etc. The False part is, Many of the Guys in DC, and past that been around, or Had issues with Wayne, never talked about any homosexual activity from Wayne Perry. I was even Locked up with him in Lorton. No reports etc within Prison etc. That’s Facts, NoOne. Not sure of the Angle that he put in there, This Negative Smear for DC guys in general started, and created by A Hate Group who had Prison war with DC Inmates in 80s. In a Book called The Hot House Life in Leavenworth, Page 98, it says how DC Convicts are Killers, Breaks in Lockers, and have relationships with other men inside prison. A small group of each State or city may have some that get involved in that, but never the majority. Its all propaganda to smear one’s character. Same way the Media, has Smeared How people look at muslims for that act of a small few. those who were apart of the Extreme Group.
Wayne doesn’t talk about his past, nor Glorify it. If you Google “Wayne Perry Message to Youth” you can pull up a recent letter he wrote to dc youth for them to stay away from the Streets.
T.R. – Thank you for listening to the episode and for taking the time to comment on its contents. I certainly appreciate your insights and will keep them posted here for others to consider. — Jerri
Fantastic interview, Jerri. Just wanted to give you a heads up that people are stealing your content and reposting it as their own. Not sure if you knew this.
Thanks for listening! Wasn’t aware of others using my content. That’s not cool. Please email me about specifics at And thanks for the heads up. —— Jerri