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This episode of FBI Retired Case File Review is the second half of a two-part episode with former FBI agent Terry Hake.
Terry continues his account of working undercover as a crooked defense attorney in the largest public corruption investigation in America, code named Operation Greylord.
When the investigation was initiated, Terry was a young Assistant State’s Attorney fed up with corruption in the Cook County, Illinois, court system. During the investigation, he was hired by the FBI, first as a project development specialist and then as a special agent. In this episode, he also explains why, after being an employee for only seven years, he resigned from the FBI and instead continued his 23-year career in federal law enforcement at several other non-Bureau agencies.
Terry wore a concealed recording device for three-and-a-half years, fully aware that he could have been jeopardizing his reputation and law career in doing so.
At the conclusion of the undercover operation, Terry testified in 23 trials over a 10-year period and eighty-three judges, lawyers, court personnel and policeman were convicted for accepting bribes to fix court cases.
Terry’s the author of Operation Greylord: The True Story of an Untrained Undercover Agent and America’s Biggest Corruption Bust, which provides a detailed narrative of his role in the undercover judicial corruption and bribery case.
Terrence Hake
Special Agent (Former)
2/2/81 – 2/1/88
Linked below are several news articles and a video about Operation Greylord, along with an overview of the case from the official FBI website:
Investigations of Public Corruption Rooting Crookedness Out of Government
Operation Greylord Documentary (Video)
Check out another FBI Retired Case File Review episode featuring judicial corruption:
Episode 216: Joe Robuck – DUI Ticket-Fixing, Bribery