In part one of this two-part episode, retired Bureau attorney Steve Kramer and retired agent Steve Busch review how Steve Kramer teamed up with Paul Holes, an investigator for the...Continue reading
305: Steve Bennett – Missing Teen, Online Offender
Retired agent Steve Bennett reviews a case involving a 15-year-old missing teen, “Jenny,” who disappeared but returned home after a few weeks. When a relative recovered a piece of paper...Continue reading
304: Barbara Verica – Tracking Arne Treholt, Soviet Spy
Retired Agent Barbara Verica reviews her espionage case as a first-time, untrained, undercover agent in Manhattan, gathering intelligence and the evidence to prove that Norwegian diplomat Arne Treholt was selling...Continue reading
303: Matt Fine – Disgruntled Phillies Fan Cyber Attack
Retired agent Matt Fine reviews his investigation of a disgruntled Philadelphia Phillies fan who hacked computers and launched a cyber-attack against the team and email accounts of reporters at the...Continue reading
302: Steve Lazarus – Airplane Bad Behavior, Arson and Bomb Threat
In this episode, retired agent Steve Lazarus reviews his investigation of a flight attendant for disrupting the normal operations of two commercial airplane flights. The flight attendant set a fire...Continue reading
301: Zorka Martinovich – We Don’t Negotiate With Terrorists?
In this episode, retired agent Zorka Martinovich reviews the extensive administrative support provided by the FBI’s Critical Incident Crisis Negotiation Unit (CNU) when a Cuban-American businessman was kidnapped for ransom...Continue reading
300: FBI Director Christopher Wray, Isabella Maldonado, Anne Beagan
In this epic 300th episode celebrating a major milestone in my podcasting journey, we speak to FBI Director Christopher Wray, bestselling author and National Academy graduate, Isabella Maldonado, and retired...Continue reading