Retired agent John Anticev served in the FBI for 28 years. He was assigned to the FBI/NYPD Joint Terrorist Task Force (JTTF) in the New York Division. In part two...Continue reading
260: John Anticev – 1993 World Trade Center Bombing
Retired agent John Anticev served in the FBI for 28 years. He was assigned to the FBI/NYPD Joint Terrorist Task Force (JTTF) in the New York Division. In part one...Continue reading
259: Dave Nadolski – Child Kidnapping Murder of Jeffrey Curley
Retired agent Dave Nadolski served in the FBI for 21 years. He was assigned to the Detroit, Atlanta, New York, and Boston Field Offices. In this episode of FBI Retired...Continue reading
258: Listener Q & A – SA and Analyst Positions, FBI Academy Training
On this episode of FBI Retired Case File Review, Special Agent Cerena Coughlin, an FBI Applicant Coordinator and recruiter for the Philadelphia Division and first office agent Special Agent Cassandra...Continue reading
257: FBI Special Agent Hiring and Training Update
On this episode of FBI Retired Case File Review, Special Agent Cerena Coughlin, an FBI Applicant Coordinator and recruiter for the Philadelphia Division and first office agent Special Agent Cassandra...Continue reading
256: Tommy MacDonald – Fugitive Cop Killer Donald Eugene Webb
Retired Agent Tommy MacDonald served as a Special Agent with the FBI for twenty-five years, 21 as a special agent and four as an investigative specialist. In this episode of...Continue reading
255: Katherine Schweit – School Shootings, Active Shooter Program
During this episode, retired agent Katherine Schweit reviews three school shootings, Columbine H.S., Virginia Tech University, and Sandy Hook Elementary, which she studied extensively for the FBI’s initial research project...Continue reading