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Retired agent Ed Hino served in the FBI for 21 years. In this episode of FBI Retired Case File Review, Ed, who has been retired for more than 26 years, takes us back in time to the era of the G-Man and discusses two very different kidnapping cases. The first case is about a kidnapped baby, a 24-hours-old newborn snatched from the arms of his mother who was resting in her hospital room. The second case involves a kidnapped motorist ordered by his captors to drive them from Ohio to Alabama. Ed also talks about proudly witnessing the Bureau’s transition from investigating primarily criminal cases, like the ones he used to work, to focusing approximately half of the agency’s manpower and resources to the counterterrorism mission.
Supervisory Special Agent (Retired)
Edward J. Hino
9/23/1968 – 8/15/1989
Ed worked criminal matters for most of his Bureau career. A highlight was his investigation involving a kidnapped baby taken from the maternity ward of Grandview Hospital in Sellersville, PA by a mystery woman. The following are newspaper articles about the high-profiled case:
Newborn Abducted From Hospital
Together Again Kidnapped Bucks Infant Is Returned To His Parents
Woman Gets 18 Years In Baby Kidnap
Family focuses on positives years after abduction