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In this episode, retired agent Tom Burg reviews his domestic terrorism case about a 1970s conspiracy to overthrow the U.S. government with laser weaponry.
During the three-year-long case, Wausau, Wisconsin scientist Myron (Mike) Muckerheide was recruited as a cooperating witness. He provided invaluable information about the activities of dangerous right-wing extremists, who included a chemist, a Wisconsin assemblyman, and a Guatemalan deputy defense minister.
Lasers are powerful parallel and focused beams of light waves. Mike became a successful contributor to the development of laser science, working for hospitals, NASA, and the U.S. Department of Defense. Tom assisted author Sharon Thatcher with writing a true crime book about the laser weapons conspiracy investigation, On the Laser’s Edge, The Conspiracy: Code Word Tikal.
Special Agent (Retired)
Thomas E. Burg
9/1967 – 7/1999
Tom served in the FBI for thirty-two years. His first assignment was the Jackson Division, in Mississippi, and the Laurel Resident Agency (RA), where his assignments including the Mississippi Burning and Martin Luther King assassination investigations. His second office was the Chicago Division where he worked out of the Waukegan RA. Later in his career, he received an office of preference transfer to the Milwaukee Division where he was assigned as the Senior Resident Agent in the Wausau RA.
Tom received the U.S. Department Of Justice Award for Public Service in 1994. He was a certified police instructor for Sex Crimes, Crimes Against the Person, Interviewing matters.
After retiring from the FBI, Tom was employed as a Security Advisor for U.S. Figure Skating and involved with Crime Stoppers of Lincoln County (WI) for many years, and an adjunct faculty member at the Northcentral Technical College, where he taught interview techniques.
Tom Burg wrote his first novel, Accidental Sheriff, in 2022. The title of his latest release is Devious. You can find Tom’s ebooks on Amazon, and order print books at
To learn about more FBI extremist investigations in the 1970s and 1980s, listen to these FBI Retired Case File Review episodes:
172: Weysan Dun – Posse Comitatus, Nebraska Cult Murders
159: Wayne Manis – The Order, White Supremacist Group
The following are images and articles from the laser weaponry conspiracy case:
