In this episode, retired agent Colton Seale reviews his time on the FBI Fly Team and the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group (HIG). During his many deployments around the world, Colton...Continue reading
Category: Crisis Response/Hostage Negotiations
301: Zorka Martinovich – We Don’t Negotiate With Terrorists?
In this episode, retired agent Zorka Martinovich reviews the extensive administrative support provided by the FBI’s Critical Incident Crisis Negotiation Unit (CNU) when a Cuban-American businessman was kidnapped for ransom...Continue reading
297: Kathryn Turman – Victim Services, Assistance and Support
In this episode, retired Assistant Director of the FBI Victim Services Division (VSD), Kathryn Turman reviews the victim service specialist position and the major cases and crisis events her staff...Continue reading
296: Kyle Vowinkel – Boston Marathon Bomber Negotiation
In this episode, retired agent Kyle Vowinkel reviews how he, as a member of the FBI’s Crisis Negotiation Unit (CNU), negotiated the peaceful surrender of one of the Boston Marathon...Continue reading
280: Kyle Vowinkel – 2013 Alabama Bunker Negotiations
In this episode of FBI Retired Case File Review, retired agent Kyle Vowinkel reviews the 2013 Alabama bunker child abduction case, known as the Boy in the Bunker, one of...Continue reading
255: Katherine Schweit – School Shootings, Active Shooter Program
During this episode, retired agent Katherine Schweit reviews three school shootings, Columbine H.S., Virginia Tech University, and Sandy Hook Elementary, which she studied extensively for the FBI’s initial research project...Continue reading
197: Nancy Savage – Robert Levinson, Iranian Hostage RIP
In this episode, retired agent Nancy Savage reviews the life and career of retired FBI agent Robert Levinson and the many years-long fight to bring “Bob” home. He had not...Continue reading