Review of Twin Peaks (1990-1991)

Twin Peaks (1990) is a quirky murder mystery drama with a unique appeal. The series ran for two seasons on ABC, followed by a feature film Twin Peaks: Fire Walk...

FBI Retired Case File Review Live!

(The audio from this live show will be posted in the evening of Wednesday, May 8, as Episode 318.) On Sunday, April 28, I’m hosting FBI Retired Case File Review...

Review of FBI Girl (1951)

FBI Girl (1951) – Filmed more than two decades before women could become agents, this crime drama starred Cesar Romero, George Brent, Audrey Totter, and Raymond Burr. Here’s the premise:...

Review of Big Momma’s House (2000)

Big Momma’s House is a crime comedy stars Martin Lawrence, Nia Long, Paul Giamatti, and Terrence Howard. Here’s the premise: When an FBI agent is tasked with tracking down an...

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