Bonus Episode: Jerri Williams – FBIAA G-Man Honors, Distinguished Service Honoree

Listen Here: Bonus Episode: G-Man Honors: Salute to FBI Heroes

The 8th Annual FBIAA G-Man Honors: A Salute to FBI Heroes dinner held on November 18, 2021, was a sold out event. But no worries. I invite you to enjoy this audio replay of the amazing evening.

The 2021 FBIAA G-Man Honors event featured a special message from FBI Director Christopher A. Wray and keynote remarks from me, the FBIAA Distinguished Service Honoree. I received this recognition from my peers for my continued support of the FBI family by telling the real stories of the FBI and Special Agents through my podcast, books, and blog. It is the highest validation of my post-FBI career and creative work.

This year's event was held in special remembrance on the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

Besides listening to the audio of all the presenters FBIAA G-Man Honors, you may also want to watch the following videos from the event.

VIDEO - Salute to FBI Heroes: FBI Agents Association G-Man Honors 2021

VIDEO - Jerri Williams Keynote Speech

The FBIAA G-Man Honors event benefits two charitable funds – the Memorial College Fund and the Membership Assistance Fund, and makes a difference in the lives of Agents and their families. Thank you!

Support the FBIAA’s two charitable funds by texting FBIAA to 50155 or visit the FBIAA Ways to donate page.

The following are timestamps for presenters featured in the special podcast episode:

00:02:36 -  Josh Jive – MC and Representative of Bracewell LLP, general counsel to FBIAA
00:04:01 -  Director William Webster (Video Message)
00:05:56 -  SA Brian O'Hare - President FBIAA
00:17:39 -  FBI Director Christopher Wray

(Video - 9/11 illnesses)
00:30:02 -  FBI Director Christopher Wray
00:31:05 -  SA (Retired) Tom O’Connor - Immediate Past President FBIAA
00:31:42 -  SA (Retired) Jean O'Connor - FBIAA Executive Director
00:31:48 -  FBI Director Christopher Wray

00:33:19 -  SA Jen Marrow - FBIAA Northeast Regional Representative
00:34:28 -  SA Natalie Barra FBIAA Vice President

(Video - Salute to FBI Heroes)
00:35:59 -  FBI Director Christopher Wray
00:36:33 -  SAC (Retired) Rainer Drolshagen - Membership Assistance Fund recipient
00:39:18 -  SA Lauren Schuler - Membership Assistance Fund recipient
00:41:07 -  Kyle Roth – Son of SA Bob Roth (FBI Martyr)
00:41:45 -  SA Melissa Marrow (FBI Martyr) Letters re SA Wesley Yoo (FBI Martyr) read by SA Paige Pinson
00:45:52 -  SA (Retired) Tom O’Connor- Immediate Past President FBIAA
00:46:26 -  FBI Director Christopher Wray
00:47:09 -  Missouri State Highway Patrol End-of Watch Radio Broadcast for SA Melissa Marrow

00:48:21 -  SA Lisa Reiter FBIAA Southeast Regional Representative
00:50:54 -  SA Brian O'Hare FBIAA President
00:53:32 -  SA (Retired) Jerri Williams Distinguished Service Honoree

The FBI Agents Association (FBIAA) is an organization founded in 1981.

Their mission is to advance & safeguard the careers, economic interests, conditions of employment and welfare of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Agents & retired FBI Agents. The FBIAA fulfills this mission by providing support and advocacy to more than 14,000 active and former FBI Special Agents. The services to members of the organization include internal advocacy within the Bureau, legal representation, legislative advocacy and financial support to members, offered through both the Memorial College Fund and the Member Assistance Fund.

Gallery of Photos from the G-Man Honors Event:

Jerri Williams

View posts by Jerri Williams
Jerri Williams, a retired FBI agent, author and podcaster, jokes that she writes about the FBI to relive her glory days. After 26 years with the Bureau specializing in major economic fraud and corruption investigations, she calls on her professional encounters with scams and schemers to write police procedurals inspired by true crime FBI cases in her Philadelphia FBI Corruption Squad crime fiction series. Jerri’s FBI for Armchair Detectives nonfiction series enables readers to discover who the FBI is and what the FBI does by debunking misconceptions about the FBI in books, TV, and movies. Her books are available as ebooks, paperbacks, and audiobooks wherever books are sold. She’s the host of FBI Retired Case File Review, a true crime podcast with more than 300 episodes available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, and all popular podcast apps, as well as YouTube.

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