Review of Point Break (1991)

Point Break (1991) is an action crime thriller directed by Kathryn Bigelow. The movie stars Keanu Reeves, Patrick Swayze, and Gary Busey. Here’s the premise: An FBI Agent goes undercover...Continue reading

FBI Retired Case File Review Live!

(The audio from this live show will be posted in the evening of Wednesday, May 8, as Episode 318.) On Sunday, April 28, I’m hosting FBI Retired Case File Review...

Review of FBI Girl (1951)

FBI Girl (1951) – Filmed more than two decades before women could become agents, this crime drama starred Cesar Romero, George Brent, Audrey Totter, and Raymond Burr. Here’s the premise:...Continue reading

Review of Bones (2005-2017)

Crime novelist Kathy Reichs, who is also a forensic anthropologist, produced this crime drama. The series stars David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel. Here’s the premise: FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth...Continue reading

Review of Shooter (2007)

Shooter (2007) stars actors Mark Wahlberg, Michael Pena, Kate Mara, and Danny Glover in this conspiracy action thriller. The film was directed by Antoine Fuqua. Here’s the premise: When military...Continue reading

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