Introducing #LittleJerriFBI!
I’m retired from the FBI and not working on investigations anymore. So, I created Little Jerri FBI, my version of “Flat Stanley.” Remember him? She’s on standby, ready for deployment. I hope you send little Jerri on virtual assignments and adventures around the world. Email your photos to me at and I’ll send you some cool podcast stickers and a bookmark (see image below). Your image will be posted on Little Jerri’s photo gallery page and social media – #littlejerriFBI. I hope you’ll share your creative work with your friends and family, too!
Send me an image of #littlejerriFBI on assignment and I’ll send you some podcast stickers, including the limited edition 50th anniversary sticker, and a bookmark.
Use the png image of Little Jerri FBI and show me what kind of “good trouble” you can get her into. You don’t need to be a graphic artist to add #littlejerriFBI to your photos. Try Canva, it’s free and easy to use.

You should have a little store where you sell your stickers and little FBI knick-nacks. I would totattly buy them all!
I do!
Dear Jerri (S/A Williams, ret.)
I have been listening to you podcasts for a short while (3-4 months). I really enjoy hearing these case reviews coming from the agents themselves, that worked? These cases. Some are very disturbing (ie. Polly Klaas, Mike McGowan- falsely accused, Mark Putnam). Just to name a few. This evening I listened to case #151 with S/A Debra LaPrevotte! I could listen to her very very interesting cases her “Forensic science “, Tennessee Body farm. And my new farorite word KLEPTOCRACIES (what a great word). And how we Americans, DOJ, FBI, etc. Don’t just give the money back to the country, but We make sure it goes to the people’s needs. Is Debra Married? Jus’ kids in’, kinda. I. Always wanted to be an FBI Special Agent. After I graduated high school, I joined the Marine Corps 1967. Went to Vietnam, wounded x2. After that I went to collegeBS degree in Criminal justice. Went to work in local PD. I thought the FBI only hires Lawyers & accountants. Also I am only 5’4” tall. And although I can handle myself, years of martial arts ( Jeet Kune Do) Bruce Lee’s scientific street fighting. I wish now I had applied for theFBI. But I had a good and very diverse career. Before I went to college, I worked min ranches, did construction, hauled livestock etc.after being in law enforcement for 6 yrs. joined our local volunteer fire dept., and began my second career in the fire service, rescue. & Earned my EMT-Paramedic license and worked in that field for the next 30 years, winding up my last 7 yrs. as a lead flight Paramedic on at Air Evac life flight services. My career took sharp turn in Feb 2005 when our chopper crashed. I got all broke up. I received many plaques & awardS in my career our base won Base of the year in 2003, in 2004 I was awarded Paramedic of the year for our company, and in 2005 I was paramedic of the year in Oklahoma. Enough of me. Thank you Jerri for doing what your doing. And please forward Debra’s address & phone number to Me. Jus’’ kiddin’ . Thank you and all your fellow agents for their dedication & service.
Your friend , colleague, fellow American, and big fan for all the good guys.
Clayton “Bogarts” Bratt
Clayton – Thank you for listening! You have no idea how much it means to me that you took the time to let me know you’re enjoying the case reviews. You’ve had an extraordinary career full of accomplishments. I’m pleased to have this chance to get to know you. I will pass your kind words along to Debra. Take care. Stay safe! ——- Jerri
Hi ! I am happy you have a podcast on retired cases. I am very engaged with the episode s some I am familiar with , I watched on FBI files on Tubi (a movie app). I appreciate and respect the diligence the FBI do for society. Thanks
Thanks for listening!