An Open Letter to FBI (CBS) Writers, Producers and Cast of The FBIs


Last night, your TV series showcased the dedicated work of the FBI and its Crimes Against Children investigative program.

The three-hour FBIs crossover night was thrilling! The pulled-from-the-headlines premise of a multi-team FBI investigation of a Jeffrey Epstein-like monster highlighted the FBI’s dedication to fighting child sexual exploitation in a way no Senate hearing statement from FBI Director Chris Wray could.

FBIs crossover series

Did the plotlines and characters follow Bureau policy and procedures for interview protocols, search warrants, arrest plans and scenario, crime scene preservation, and local and international jurisdiction?


But that’s not the point.

Millions of viewers witnessed their favorite FBI TV heroes’ unwavering and far-reaching investigative efforts in the pursuit of justice.

After weeks of deservedly taking it on the chin for the indefensible actions of two managers who failed to protect USA gymnasts from sexual abuse, this tragedy will forever cement in the forefront of the FBI’s collective mind that we must always protect the most vulnerable.

Earlier this year, two veteran agents, Daniel Alfin and Laura Schwartzenberger were killed in the line of duty and three other agents were wounded while executing a federal court-ordered search warrant in a crimes against children investigation in Sunrise, Florida. Their ultimate sacrifice serves as proof of the FBI’s commitment to this valuable program.

The public perception of the FBI is crucial to its mission.

CBS’s FBI, Most Wanted, and FBI International trifecta of shows, with FBI characters who have flaws, but are brave, determined, and emotionally invested in their work, is a needed boost to the FBI’s brand and reputation.

Thank you.

Jerri Williams

Jerri Williams

View posts by Jerri Williams
Jerri Williams, a retired FBI agent, author and podcaster, jokes that she writes about the FBI to relive her glory days. After 26 years with the Bureau specializing in major economic fraud and corruption investigations, she calls on her professional encounters with scams and schemers to write police procedurals inspired by true crime FBI cases in her Philadelphia FBI Corruption Squad crime fiction series. Jerri’s FBI for Armchair Detectives nonfiction series enables readers to discover who the FBI is and what the FBI does by debunking misconceptions about the FBI in books, TV, and movies. Her books are available as ebooks, paperbacks, and audiobooks wherever books are sold. She’s the host of FBI Retired Case File Review, a true crime podcast with more than 300 episodes available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, and all popular podcast apps, as well as YouTube.


  1. RockyFebruary 21, 2024

    Dick Wolf. I am a freind of the past Rocco Marieti who you worked with. Your show is great but too muck back ground music is too loud. It makes it hard too understand the actors. You have done well since your days on the streets.

    1. Jerri WilliamsFebruary 21, 2024

      Not sure if Mr. Wolf will see this post, but maybe he will.

  2. VicSeptember 22, 2021

    I just read your open letter to CBS. Jerri, thank you for all you do. Vic Hartman-Retired FBI Agent.

    1. Jerri WilliamsSeptember 22, 2021

      It’s been a difficult couple of weeks for us all.


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