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In this episode, retired agent Frank Burton, Jr. reviews a hate crime investigation where an Arab-American woman received a threatening hate note made up of vacation brochure clippings that warned “Remember 9/11” and “kids tie to the fence.” The victim feared that she and her two young children would be harmed.
Frank conducted over 40 interviews to identify and arrest the surprising creator of the anonymous threating hate note. During the episode, Frank also talks about working on a Special Operations Group (SOG) surveillance squad.
Special Agent (Retired)
Frank Burton
7/1991 – 12/2013
Frank Burton served in the FBI for over 22 years. He was assigned to the Philadelphia Division where he worked civil rights matters.
Later in his career, he was a SOG team leader conducting surveillances for all squads and violations in the field office. Frank and his team frequently deployed on temporary duty to major events all around the country.
During his Bureau career, he was also a hostage negotiator, media coordinator, civil rights coordinator, coordinator of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) in the Philadelphia Division and member of the Bureau’s National Recruitment Team.
He has been an ordained minister for 27 years. Currently, Frank and his wife Tasey, are the founders and pastors of Perfect Will Ministries, in New Castle, DE.
Frank is the author of From FBI Agent to an Apostle… Saga of a Spiritual Sniper, where he details his life’s experiences and how one apostolic encounter during his FBI career changed his entire life.
Frank also operates Burton Executive Security Training (B.E.S.T), providing executive protection services and comprehensive training for security professionals. The company specializes in Active Shooting Training for Churches, Schools, and Businesses.
The following are articles about the threating hate note investigation and surveillance careers with the FBI:
New York Times – 10/25/2007: Pennsylvania: Sentence for Hate Letter
FBI Website: ‘I Survived My Hate Crime’
FBI Website: FBI — Muslim Mother Target of Hate Crime
NBC News – 10/24/2007: Woman sends hate note, gets eight months Website – Security and Surveillance Careers
Case related Images
