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In this episode, retired agent Frank Figliuzzi reviews the FBI’s Highway Serial Killings Initiative, a special unit that tracks the victims of serial murderers who were picked up at truck stops in one jurisdiction, sexually assaulted and murdered in another, and dumped along a highway in a third location.
Frank shares how the transient nature of the offenders and the multiple jurisdictions involved make these cases incredibly difficult to solve. The victim are often at-risk women. Frank shares his journey to learn more about the victims and better understand the life of a trucker in his new book, Long Haul: Hunting the Highway Serial Killers.
Retired agent Frank Figliuzzi served 25 years in the FBI. Frank held senior FBI leadership positions in major American cities.
His FBI career highlights include: Leading the FBI’s efforts to counter economic espionage in Silicon Valley, California; Overseeing major financial crimes and public corruption investigations in Miami, Florida, and Cleveland, Ohio; Serving as on-scene commander of the largest HAZMAT evidence recovery effort in FBI history at the Boca Raton, Florida, site of the nation’s first anthrax murder.
Special Agent (Retired)
Frank Figliuzzi
August 1987 – August 2012
Frank directed an FBI internal disciplinary unit in the Office of Professional Responsibility and adjudicated allegations of serious misconduct against FBI personnel. Director Robert Mueller appointed him the FBI’s Chief Inspector, overseeing sensitive internal inquiries, shooting reviews, and performance audits.
Frank’s last assignment before retiring from the FBI was as the FBI’s Assistant Director for Counterintelligence. As the head of Counterintelligence, Frank directed all espionage investigations across the U.S. government. Frank frequently briefed the White House, Congress, and the Attorney General.
Following his FBI career, Frank became a corporate security executive for a Fortune 10 company. Currently, he is a respected National Security Analyst, appearing weekly on live television for NBC and MSNBC news, and is a sought-after speaker, panelist and instructor on national security and leadership. You can learn more about Frank and his book at
Frank was previously on FBI Retired Case File Review Episode 228: Frank Figliuzzi – National Security, The FBI Way.
The following are links to articles about ViCAP, the Highway Serial Killings Initiative, and images related to Frank’s book, Long Haul.
FBI Website: ViCAP Part 1: Sharing Information to Stop Serial Offenders
FBI Website: Violent Criminal Apprehension Program, Part 2: The Highway Serial Killings Initiative
Investigative Discovery – 5/26/2016: Truck Driver Is Best Job For Aspiring Serial Killers, According To FBI
FBI Website: Highway Serial Killings, New Initiative on an Emerging Trend
FBI Website: ViCAP Homicides and Sexual Assaults
For more information about the Highway Serial Killings Initiative and ViCAP, listen to these FBI Retired Case File Review episodes:
176: Michael Harrigan – ViCAP, Highway Serial Killings Initiative (Part 1)
318: Lisa Bailey – Clay and Bones, FBI Forensic Artist